Bloody Knees - 'Bedtomb' video

This is the sound of being so incredibly fed up of feeling fed up that your brain is rotting out of your face and you're quite content festering in your pit until it's just all over. In that case, why does this song make me want to play Bulldogs Charge with an unwilling public?

I stumble out of my room, brain dead/ wanna crawl back in my tomb. For a song literally all about feeling so fucking shit you wanna just go die in bed, it's got the righteous thump of a thousand lost youths. The video's right gruesome as well. I can't get enough of this song.

Admittedly, the reason for me replaying this video for the last 48 hours is as much to do with the song as it is the intro/ outro presented by bassist Sam Cartwheels, who's so enthusiastic about us watching the video he's tripping over his own excitement trying to sell it. Give the guy a show.
