Throats are quite the force. With a set time of 6:30, they have no qualms with performing unusually early and waste no time in completely overtaking The Roadhouse. Heavier than fuck, they play their upcoming new album in full, and it sounds amazing. Singer Alex is all over the front row like your neighbour’s vicious rottweiler, roaring and headbutting his way into the crowd. Throats couldn’t be a more appropriate name for the opening act, as a ten gigawatt voice gets your brain in a headlock while the raucous music rubs it with a knuckleduster.
Even the ceiling wasn’t resilient enough to take on Trash Talk’s abrasive thrash, as singer Lee Spielman literally booted his way through the venue, ripping the Roadhouse to shreds. Already legends of the hardcore scene, they hammered through a set of older classics while the crowd lost their nut and sung along as a gang. Some newer tracks also featured including new Eyes And Nines track Explode, which was clearly written to be played live. By the time TT have dispensed of their 30min set with minimal time wasted, security was literally clearing up chunks of the venue, which has become expected of every one of the many shows they play.
Rolo Tomassi are starting to become unparalleled. Despite their upcoming 2nd album being delayed for ‘long and boring reasons’ as synth slammer and co vocals James so rightly put it, they show tonight that it will be more than worth the wait. Debut album Hysterics gets a good seeing to, with Eva being as destructive as she is sexy; moshing, twirling and grooving in every bit of space she is given. It takes a while for the crowd to get right into it, but soon enough the circle pit opens up for older tracks including Abraxas, which is received with swinging arms and flailing heads, just the intention. The newer stuff however is the focus tonight and it is nothing short of spectacular. Songs such as Party Wounds and French Motel awkwardly jitter from complex math rock to hardcore thrash, making it difficult to dance to on the first listen but extremely easy to be encapsulated by. Despite playing a bit early, finishing their set by 9pm, they put on a show perhaps unworthy of the mainly flaccid crowd. Each band of tonight’s line up prove to give something new to music, and Rolo Tomassi do more than ever. Mixing intense and intelligent music the new material makes this band unavoidable.

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